37 comments on “Solar System Dynamics and the Earths climate

  1. Now your really talkin’ Crickey. I’ll bet 2 slabs that there’l be something very interesting to emerge from this delve!

  2. Hi Petros
    Sorry the posts are are bit messy atm. I am collecting some of my cycle research pictures l have collected over the years and trying to put them in some order .
    Doing this while the OZ weather is relatively quiet
    I started this post yesterday as l follow ‘Tallbloke’ wordpress blog which got me interested last year on the solar system and earths climate.
    A very controversial topic amongst scientists l have gathered
    I recommend this blog to you if you are interested in this topic
    and his links
    I do frequent there to become more informed in this area
    They are quite technical but l have picked up some concepts
    Very sad that Anthony Watts of WUWT has banned Tallbloke blogists as He reckons these theories are rubbish.
    There is quite a ‘war ‘between the 2 camps
    cheers. Thanks for dropping by!

  3. R.G Sparrow from Tallbloke blog got me thinking about his comment on gears in the solar system

    Hale Sunspot Cycle in English Temperature Record?

    He said
    “To make the shift requires timing of many moving parts to be aligned. ”
    and Old brews comments about the Metonic cycle
    A google search yielded this amazing ancient ASTROLOGICAL COMPUTER


    calculation of the position of the Sun and Moon and other astronomical information, such as moon phases, eclipse cycles, and theoretically the locations of planets.

    solar gearing model

    It has at least 30 gears
    The gear teeth were in the form of equilateral triangles

    Schematic diagram proposal

    solar gearing model

  4. Richard Holle: Getting the study of cycles back into weather forecasting

    The Sun dances the Jupiter-Venus two-step

    The Sun dances the Jupiter-Venus two-step


    Feedback loops in the solar system

    “”The timings of the orbital interactions of Jupiter and Saturn, Jupiter Earth and Venus, and the four Gas giants all coincide with various periods solar activity varies over.”

  5. Evidence for Planetary Forcing of the Cosmic Ray Intensity and Solar Activity Throughout the Past 9400 Years

    K. G. McCracken, J. Beer, F. Steinhilber

    Paleo-cosmic-ray (PCR) records based on cosmogenic 10Be and 14C data are used to study the variations in cosmic-ray intensity and solar activity over the past 9400 years.
    There are four strong correlations with the motion of the Jovian planets; the probability of occurring by chance being < 10−5. They are
    i) the PCR periodicities at 87, 350, 510, and 710 years, which closely approximate integer multiples of half the Uranus–Neptune synodic period;
    ii) eight periodicities in the torques calculated to be exerted by the planets on an asymmetric tachocline that approximate the periods observed in the PCR
    ; iii) the maxima of the long-term PCR variations are coincident with syzygy (alignment) of the four Jovian planets in 5272 and 644 BP; and

    iv) in the time domain,
    the PCR (paleo cosmic ray )intensity decreases during the first 60 years of the ≈ 172 year Jose cycle (Jose, Astron. J. 70, 193, 1965)
    and increases in the remaining ≈ 112 years
    in association with barycentric anomalies in the distance between the Sun and the center of mass of the solar system.

    Furthermore, sunspot and neutron-monitor data show that three anomalous sunspot cycles (4th, 7th, and 20th) and the long sunspot minimum of 2006 – 2009 CE coincided with the first and second barycentric anomalies of the 58th and 59th Jose cycles.
    Phase lags between the planetary and heliospheric effects are ≤ five years.
    The 20 largest Grand Minima during the past 9400 years coincided with the latter half of the Jose cycle in which they occurred.
    These correlations are not of terrestrial origin, nor are they due to the planets’ contributing directly to the cosmic-ray modulation process in the heliosphere.

    Low cosmic-ray intensity (higher solar activity) occurred when Uranus and Neptune were in superior conjunction (mutual cancellation),
    while high intensities occurred when Uranus–Neptune were in inferior conjunction (additive effects).

    Many of the prominent peaks in the PCR Fourier spectrum can be explained in terms of the Jose cycle, and the occurrence of barycentric anomalies.


    Geoff Sharpe has a post on this research here

  6. Responses of the basic cycles of 178.7 and 2402 yr in solar–terrestrial phenomena during the Holocene
    I. Charvátová and P. Hejda

    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 2, 21-26, 2014
    Full Article (PDF, 737 KB) Special Issue

    Click to access prp-2-21-2014.pdf

    17 Jan 2014

    The complex planetary synchronization structure of the solar system
    N. Scafetta

    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 2, 1-19, 2014
    Full Article (PDF, 2517 KB) Special Issue

    Click to access prp-2-1-2014.pdf

    15 Jan 2014


    What a treasure trove here !!

    Pattern in solar variability, their planetary origin and terrestrial impacts
    Editor(s): N.-A. Mörner, R. Tattersall, and J.-E. Solheim

    The complex planetary synchronization structure of the solar system
    N. Scafetta
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 2, 1-19, 2014
    Full Article (PDF, 2517 KB)

    Click to access prp-2-1-2014.pdf

    15 Jan 2014
    Responses of the basic cycles of 178.7 and 2402 yr in solar–terrestrial phenomena during the Holocene
    I. Charvátová and P. Hejda
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 2, 21-26, 2014
    Full Article (PDF, 737 KB)

    Click to access prp-2-21-2014.pdf

    17 Jan 2014
    Preface: Pattern in solar variability, their planetary origin and terrestrial impacts
    N.-A. Mörner, R. Tattersall, and J.-E. Solheim
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 203-204, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 140 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-203-2013.pdf

    16 Dec 2013
    The Hum: log-normal distribution and planetary–solar resonance
    R. Tattersall
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 185-198, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 803 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-185-2013.pdf

    16 Dec 2013
    Energy transfer in the solar system
    H. Jelbring
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 165-176, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 2284 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-165-2013.pdf

    05 Dec 2013
    Planetary beat and solar–terrestrial responses
    N.-A. Mörner
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 107-116, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 3099 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-107-2013.pdf

    01 Nov 2013
    Signals from the planets, via the Sun to the Earth
    J.-E. Solheim
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 177-184, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 1628 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-177-2013.pdf

    10 Dec 2013
    Apparent relations between planetary spin, orbit, and solar differential rotation
    R. Tattersall
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 199-202, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 654 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-177-2013.pdf

    16 Dec 2013
    The Venus–Earth–Jupiter spin–orbit coupling model
    I. R. G. Wilson
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 147-158, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 2521 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-147-2013.pdf

    03 Dec 2013
    Celestial commensurabilities: some special cases
    H. Jelbring
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 143-146, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 54 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-143-2013.pdf

    02 Dec 2013
    Multiscale comparative spectral analysis of satellite total solar irradiance measurements from 2003 to 2013 reveals a planetary modulation of solar activity and its nonlinear dependence on the 11 yr solar cycle
    N. Scafetta and R. C. Willson
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 123-133, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 2522 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-123-2013.pdf

    25 Nov 2013
    The sunspot cycle length – modulated by planets?
    J.-E. Solheim
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 159-164, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 198 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-159-2013.pdf

    04 Dec 2013
    A mathematical model of the sunspot cycle for the past 1000 yr
    R. J. Salvador
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 117-122, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 2744 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-117-2013.pdf

    15 Nov 2013
    General conclusions regarding the planetary–solar–terrestrial interaction
    N.-A. Mörner, R. Tattersall, J.-E. Solheim, I. Charvatova, N. Scafetta, H. Jelbring, I. R. Wilson, R. Salvador, R. C. Willson, P. Hejda, W. Soon, V. M. Velasco Herrera, O. Humlum, D. Archibald, H. Yndestad, D. Easterbrook, J. Casey, G. Gregori, and G. Henriksson
    Pattern Recogn. Phys., 1, 205-206, 2013
    Full Article (PDF, 126 KB)

    Click to access prp-1-205-2013.pdf

    16 Dec 2013

  8. The Gleissberg cycle is one of the slightly longer solar cycles, probably
    modulating the Schwabe cycle (Wolf, 1862; Gleissberg, 1939).
    Firstly assumed to have a duration of 88-years, Ogurtsov et al.
    (2002) detected a characteristic split into a low-frequency band signal
    of 50–80 years and a high-frequency signal between 90 and
    140 years.

    Hmm that’s interesting . That indicates the 60 and 100 yr are probably major rather than minor
    They are quasi because the fundamental unit is probably 11, the mean of the schwabe solar cycle. The length of this fundamental frequency ( solar cycle) changes in length determining the length of the schwabbe triplets and length of the AMO/~6oyr phase

    taken from forum discussion by salvadore here

    Hale Sunspot Cycle in English Temperature Record?

  9. Responses of the basic cycles of 178.7 and 2402yr in solar–terrestrial phenomena during the Holocene
    I. Charvátová and P. Hejda
    Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic published 2014

    MY NOTES and snaps from this most excellent research paper

    SIM ( solar inertial motion)
    Ordered and disordered trefoil
    370 yr …. exceptional segments in steps of 2402 yrs (2402…370…2402…370 ..etc)
    THe trefoil intervals are about 50 yrs long . The sun returns to the trefoil intervals always after 178.9 yr on average ( JOSE cycle ~178 yr)
    During intermediate intervals the sun makes chaotic ( disordered lines)
    Exceptional trefoil intervals ( 159 -208 AD ( 49 yr)….2561-2193 BC ( 368 yr) …4964-4598 BC ( 366yrs)
    The deepest and longest minima of the Maunder/sporer type occured in the second half of the 2402 cycle( disordered SIM)——-
    The Sun moves within an area of a diameter of 4.3 rs, where rs is the solar radius (see Fig. 1), or 3×1,000,000 km. ( 3 million km )
    1. The periods found in the SIM (in all its motion characteristics such as the velocity, the acceleration, the radii of curvature, etc.) are higher harmonics of the basic period of 178.7yr (Bucha et al., 1985; Jakubcová and Pick, 1987). The basic period of 178.7yr was found by Jose (1965) and further described by Fairbridge and Shirley (1987). Charvátová and Stˇreštík (2004) detected such periods, between 6 and 16yr, in European temper- ature series and Charvátová-Jakubcová et al. (1988) de- tected these periods between 10 and 60yr in global au- rora records (cf. also Scafetta, 2012b). Since the solar motion characteristics are underlaid by variable geome- tries of the solar orbit, the results of spectral analyses are dependent on the intervals being employed (Charvátová and Stˇreštík, 1995). Scafetta and Wilson (2013) detected these periods in Hungarian aurora records since 1523.
    2. Separation of the SIM into two basic types, the or- dered (in JS trefoils) and disordered (Charvátová, 1990, 1995).
    3. The very long, regular cycle of 2402yr represents a repetition of the exceptional, nearly 370yr-long interval of trefoil solar motion.
    ( my comment : 179 * 2 = 358yr………….. 2402 / 370 = 6.5……2402/ 179 = 13.4)
    The layered Sun is forced to move along the given loops and arcs, its velocity ranges between 36 and 64kmh−1, its mean velocity is about 50kmh−1.
    Charatova (2009) showed that the SIMs in the years 1840–1905 and 1980–2045 are nearly identical and of a moderately chaotic type. The future (forthcoming) behaviours of ST phenomena are likely to be analogous to those after 1873
    ( my comment : The global temp decline fropm1840 to 1910was moderate witha drop of about 0.2 deg c)

    Note the triangle in the geometry
    stable trefoil _ traingular geometry



    URANUS / NEPTUNE 171.4 yr and 2402 yr cycle
    Uranus _ Neptune 171/2402 yr cycle



  10. Do the planets affect the sunspot cycle?
    thanks to OB for the link

    There was a paper published by the Astronomical Journal in April, 1965 ( vol. 70, page 193) by Paul D. Jose which described just such an effect. He noted that the Sun and planets orbit about a point called the barycenter of the solar system which is located between 0.01 and 2.2 times the radius of the Sun from the Sun’s center. The path of the Sun is actually a loop-de-loop about this point which doesn’t close upon itself like an ordinary planetary orbit. Jose discovered that although this motion is complicated,

    – the Sun returns to roughly its starting position with respect to this point every 179 years, which he noted is 9 times the synodic period of Jupiter and Saturn.
    This means that every 179 years as seen from the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn return to the same spot in the sky.

    He looked at the sunspot record from 1610 to 1954 and found evidence of this same period in the maxima and minima of the 11 year sunspot cycle. In other words,

    superimposed upon the 11-year cycle, there was a 179 year modulation of the amplitudes of each cycle.

    This modulation matched the phase of the rate of change in time of the Sun’s angular momentum (dL/dt) with respect to the barycenter. He concluded that “Certain forces exerted upon the Sun by the planets are the cause of the sunspot cycle”

    A quick citation search of the literature shows that even by 1990, this paper is still getting about 2-3 cites per year by other researchers who study long-term changes in the Sun’s sunspot cycles, luminosity, and other factors. In 1974, an article appeared in Nature ( vol. 250, page 398) by Theodore Cohen and Paul Lintz which argued that Jose’s 179 year periodicity is not externally-produced, but is a simple beat frequency. They constructed a time spectrum of the sunspot data and discovered that there were significant peaks at periods of 8.3, 9.8, 11.0 and 95.8 years, and that the 11 year and 9.8 year periods which dominate the sunspot ‘cycle’ had a beat frequency of 181 years, very similar to Jose’s 179 year modulation period.

    In 1990, astronomers James Shirley, Kenneth Serber and Rhodes Fairbridge studied the frequency content of the solar irradiance measurements returned from the Nimbus 7 satellite over an 89-month timescale ( 7 years) and noted that the variations in the total solar brightness did change with the ‘second derivative’ of the solar angular momentum ( d^2L/dt^2), and are primarily caused by Mercury and Venus. They also predicted that there ought to be modulations caused by the Earth and the outer planets, but 89- months of data is too short to detect these much longer-term oscillations of the solar irradiance.

    These authors refer to Jose’s work on dL/dt correlations, only in a brief comment in a figure caption. Most of the references are directed towards papers by Fairbridge and Shirley , and by Wolff and Hickey in 1987. These appeared in the journals Solar Physics ( vol. 110 page 191) and Science (vol. 235 page 1631). The Fairbridge and Shirley article is very generous in referring to Jose’s 1965 article, and provides an extended discussion of the significance of his discovery in the context of other studies of long-term solar oscillations. They note that the interaction between the planets and the Sun which modulates the sunspot maxima cannot be tidal because the tidal forces of the planets at the solar surface is one TRILLIONTH of the gravitational force at the Sun’s surface. They speculate that there must be some direct, inertial coupling between the Sun’s motion about the barycenter and its internal convection pattern which generates the 11-year cycle.
    Copyright 1997 Dr. Sten Odenwald

  11. Just been reading a link frommTallblokes blog from ‘Paul Vaughan’ recommending an Ian Wilson post

    In this post ,

    Ian Wilson correlates the North Pacific index, including the Sea surface temp anomaly and surface pressure anomaly with the conjunctions and opposition of Jupiter and Saturn
    He notes 19.86 yr cycles embedded in a longer 59 yr repeating pattern( 3 * 19.86 = 59 yr)

    North pacific Index
    and a study by
    Reference: Shoshiro Minobe
    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 26, No. 7, Pages 855-858, APRIL, 1, 1999
    Resonance in bidecadal and pentadecadal climate oscillations over the North Pacific: Role in climatic regime shifts

    ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, VOL. 20, NO. 5, 2003, PP. 694–710 694
    Joint Propagating Patterns of SST and SLP Anomalies in the
    North Pacific on Bidecadal and Pentadecadal Timescales
    ZHU Yimin and YANG Xiuqun

    He has overlayed the conjunction and opposition of Jupiter and Saturn on the North pacific index data

    and the results

    NPI vs Jupiter /saturn conjunction/opposition cycles by Ian Wilson

  12. Do Uranus and Neptune Control Solar Modulation and Grand Minima?

    After 50 years in the Wilderness, Planetary Theory is making a Solid Comeback
    by Geoff sharp on 7 February 2014 •

    A slide show

    Geoff’s taken the best of Charatova , Landcheidt and Carl Smith and moved this research even further with his own research developments

    Add this to your must read and understand list. Even if you don’t agree with the hypothesis entirely.
    Lots of ‘meaty bits here’

  13. Seeing all this seems to be going down the path in part to planetary conjunctions and oppositions etc
    Thought l might collect a few handy links here for future reference

    Jupiter / Saturn conjunctions
    I am not into astrology at all so don’t get icky about the author. He has got what l need . The data
    Had a look at some dates that l needed tonight and had NO luck.

    Some serious Time series analysis maths for Mathematics ‘buffs’

  14. New paper finds natural variability of N Carolina climate explained by solar activity & AMO
    Friday, May 23, 2014
    New paper finds natural variability of N Carolina climate explained by solar activity & AMO
    ——————————–extracted from Hockeyschtick
    A paper published today in Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics finds “the natural variability of climate change in NC [North Carolina] during 1950–2009 can be explained mostly by the AMO [Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation] and solar activity.”

    Prior papers have also found the AMO driven by solar activity. Climate scientists claim the tiny 0.1% variations in total solar irradiance over solar cycles cannot affect climate, but this paper and many others suggest that solar amplification mechanisms including via ocean oscillations can cause large scale effects on climate.

    Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 21, 605-615, 2014



    By: Dr. John C. Freeman and Jill F. Hasling,

    Certified Consulting Meteorologists

    Weather Research Center 3227 Audley St. Houston, Texas 77098 http://www.wxresearch.com

    The Sun’s orbit is not as stable as the individual orbits of the planets but almost repeats nearly every 178.7 years

    Figure 1 notice the variance in the sixteen loops around the center of gravity of the solar system. This is evidence that the Sun’s orbit, or helio-epoch, is variable.

    Figure 1 is the projection on the plane of the orbit of Jupiter and the orbit of the Sun about the center of gravity of the solar system. The orbit starts in 1820.00 and is complete 178.76 years later in 1998.76. Then a new orbit begins and is followed until 2020.20. A circuit of the center of gravity is made every 8 to 14 years

    Jose’s(1965) work indicated that this helio-epoch of the Sun does cause effects on Sunspots.

    Jose [1965] showed that the orbit of the Sun has an effect on sunspots and other phenomena on the Sun as did Landscheidt[1976]. Jose [1965] postulated that the orbit of the Sun caused sunspots. By postulating time derivative of the angular momentum of the curve the Sun’s orbit about the instantaneous center of curvature for the years 1616 to 2024. He showed that years up to 1963 correlated with sunspot cycle. Evidence that the angular velocity of the Earth’s rotation is directly effected by the angular momentum of the Sun’s orbit is shown in Figure 2.

    Therefore, the Sun-Earth orbital motion has effects on Earth just as it does on the Sun. The Earth does not react the same from this orbital motion as the Sun does. The Sun reacts with changes in Sunspots and other various phenomena. The Earth on the other hand reacts with changing weather and climate. Simultaneous events between the Earth and the Sun in their orbits are shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3 is taken from Labitzke and Van Loon [1996] and shows the solar flux of 10.7 cm wave length radiation from the sun [which varies with the Sunspot Cycle] versus the average height of the 30 hPa (30 mb) surface averaged over a large part of the Pacific Ocean. The curves have a high correlation with each other as can be seen in Figure 3.
    This orbit was responsible for certain solar phenomena and that this mysterious and unknown link must be at work to cause certain atmospheric phenomena also. Landscheidt[1984-2002] has shown links in the orbit to El Niño and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, the Quasi Biannual Oscillation, and floods in the Po Valley
    Freeman and Hasling[1995] related the Sun’s orbit about the center of gravity of the solar system to the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Basin and forecasts of average temperatures for stations across the United States.
    Labiteske and Van Loon [1995] made the most acceptable cases for a relationship when they showed that the solar flux of 10.7 cm wave length radiation from the sun controlled the height of the 30 hpa surface over the Pacific Ocean.
    When Jose[1965] outlined the various aspects of the orbit he computed the moment of the orbit about the center of mass of the solar system and its time derivative or torque. This is a time dependant periodic function called the torque cycle as named by Landscheidt [1986].

    Landscheidt[2002] related various phenomena on the Sun and the Earth to the torque cycle. This cycle was chosen as the best aspect of the orbit of which to relate phenomena. Landscheidt [1986] first used the torque cycle of the Sun’s motion about the center of mass of the solar system to show that the orbit affected certain aspects of solar activity. Landscheidt[1986] used the torque cycle to forecast sunspot cycles.

    “In reality, it is the center of mass, or barycenter, of the Earth-moon pair that moves with smooth elliptical orbit about the solar system’s barycenter.”

    The remark is misleading. It would be more accurate to say that the Earth is in orbit about the center of the Sun and the Sun is in orbit about the center of mass of the solar system.

    For whatever reason the fact that the Earth is in orbit about the center of the Sun and the Sun is in orbit about the center of mass of the solar system has not been emphasized by astronomers and other scientists. The consequences that the Earth participating in the Sun’s orbit forms the link between simultaneous events on the Earth and the Sun. This has not been pointed out until now.
    ( unfortunately the diagrams are no longer connected)
    Jose, P. D., Sun’s Motion and Sunspots, Astronomical Journal 10, (1), 193-200, 1965
    Eddy, J. A., The Maunder Minimum, Science 192, 1189, 1976
    Labitzke, K. and H. van Loon, Connection between the troposphere and stratosphere on a decadal scale, Meteorologisches Institut, Freie Universitat, Berlin, C.-H.-Becker-Weg 6-10, 12165 Berlin, 1995.

    Labitzke, K. and H. van Loon, The Signal of the 11-year Sunspot Cycle in the Upper Troposphere-Lower Troposphere, Report of Stratospheric Research Group,

    Landscheidt, T., Beziehungen zwischen der Sonnenaktvitat und dem Massenzentrum des Sonnensystems, Nachrichten der Olbers-Gessellschaft 100, 1976.

    Landscheidt, T., Solar oscillations, sunspot cycles, and climatic change, in Weather and climate responses to solar variations, edited by B.M. McCormac, pp. 293-308, Associated University Press, Boulder, 1983.

    Landscheidt, T., Long-range forecast of energetic x-ray bursts based on cycles of flares, in Solar-terrestrial predictions, Proceedings of a workshop at Meudon, 18.-22.

    Juni 1984, edited by P.A.Simon, G. Heckman, und M. A., Shea, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, pp. 81-89, Boulder, 1986a.

    Landscheidt, T. Long-range forecast of sunspot cycles, in Solar-terrestrial predictions, Proceedings of a workshop at Meudon, 18.-22. Juni 1984, edited by P.A. Simon,

    G. Heckman, und M. A., Shea, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, pp. 48-57, Boulder, 1986b.

    Landscheidt, T., Long-range forecasts of solar cycles and climate change, in Climate, History, Periodicity, and predictability, edited by M. R. Rampino, J. E. Sanders,

    W. S. Newman, und L. K. K”nigsson, van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 421-445, New York, 1987.

    Landscheidt, T., Solar rotation, impulses of the torque in the Sun’s motion, and climatic variation, Climatic Change 12, 265-295, 1988.

    Landscheidt, T., Relationship between rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere and impulses of the torque in the Sun’s motion, in Climate impact of solar variability edited by

    K.H. Schatten and A. Arking, NASA, 259-266, Greenbelt, 1990.

    Landscheidt, T., Global warming or Little Ice Age?, in Holocene cycles, A Jubilee volume in celebration of the 80th birthday of Rhodes W. Fairbridge, edited by C.W. Finkl, The

    Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF), 371-382, Fort Lauderdale, 1995.

    Landscheidt, T., Forecast of global temperature, El Niño, and cloud coverage by astronomical means, in Global Warming. The continuing debate, edited by R. Bate, The European

    Science and Environment Forum (ESEF), 172-183, Cambridge, 1998.

    Landscheidt, T., Extrema in sunspot cycle linked to sun’s motion. Solar Physics 189, 413-424, 1999.

    Landscheidt, T., Solar forcing of El Niño and La Nina, ESA Special Publication 463, 135-140/, 2000a.

    Landscheidt, T., River Po discharges and cycles of solar activity. Hydrol. Sci. J. 45, 491-493, 2000b.

    Motte, A., The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Sir Isaac Newton (1729), Dawsons of Pall Mall, London, 1968.

    Schwabe, A.N., Sonen-Beobachtungen, Jhare 1843 Astron. Nacr., 21, 233, 1844.Waldmeir, M., The sunspot activity in the years 1610-1960, Schulthess & Co. AG, Zurich,

  16. Celestial commensurabilities: some special cases
    H Jelbring 2014


    Jupiter Saturn couplet

    “4.5 The Jupiter–Saturn commensurability
    149×Tj = 1767.47; 60×Ts = 1767.46; 89Tj||Ts = 1767.47 (yr)
    This truly remarkable 6-digit commensurability is close to being exact.
    The orbital periods might be variable, but the commensurabilities should be of a more stable nature than the periods themselves.

    It is quite possible that this cycle is the Grand Cycle of our Solar System. ”

    Inner planets

    “These are 3 interlocked 6-digit commensurabilities and can hardly be considered as “produced” by chance. They simply imply that there has to exist an unknown force affecting energy transfer in the Solar System. Furthermore, there is also a “master” period, which includes the remaining inner planet Venus.
    969 × Tsid || Te = 28615.1 (days or 78.343yr)
    920 × Tsid || Tv = 28615.2 722 × Tsid || Tme = 28615.2 198 × Tme || Tv = 28615.4 247 × Tme || Te = 28615.1 49 × Tv || Te = 28613.8”

  17. Fabulous graphs produced by Dr Scafetta
    Showing a couple of examples of the synchronicity of the planets
    Really enjoyed reading this publication. Great for anyone with an interest. Not too technical and just mind blowing facts!!

    The complex planetary synchronization structure of the solar system
    N. Scafetta


    synchronicity of the planets _scafetta 2014

    also zoom in here

    The gravitational harmonics of the solar system

    solar anomaly _scafetta 2014

    scafetta 3 frequency time series

  18. A Nice summary of the scientists from 1700’s to 1993 who have studied the solar system and the earths climate .>


    A long-term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth

    J. Laskar1 – P. Robutel1 – F. Joutel 1 – M. Gastineau1 – A. C. M. Correia1,2 – B. Levrard 2004


    Extracted from the Introduction as a sample
    “Due to gravitational planetary perturbations, the elliptical elements of the orbit of the Earth are slowly changing in time, as is the orientation of the planet’s spin axis. These changes induce variations of the insolation received on the Earth’s surface.

    The first computation of the secular variations of the Earth’s orbital elements were made by Lagrange (1781, 1782), and then Pontécoulant (1834), but it was the work of Agassiz (1840), showing geological evidence of past ice ages, that triggered the search for a correlation between the geological evidence of large climatic changes, and the variations of the Earth’s astronomical parameters. Shortly after, Adhémar (1842) proposed that these climatic variations originated from the precession of the Earth’s rotation axis.

    ( A very impressive list follows continuing in the Introduction as they list and link all scientists involved in this research)

  19. Spatial distribution of Northern Hemisphere winter temperatures during different phases of the solar cycle†
    V. Maliniemi*, T. Asikainen and K. Mursula
    ©2014. American Geophysical Union

    “Several recent studies have found variability in the Northern Hemisphere winter climate related to different parameters of solar activity. While these results consistently indicate some kind of solar modulation of tropospheric and stratospheric circulation and surface temperature, opinions on the exact mechanism and the solar driver differ. Proposed drivers include, e.g., total solar irradiance (TSI), solar UV radiation, galactic cosmic rays and magnetospheric energetic particles.
    While some of these drivers are difficult to distinguish because of their closely similar variation over the solar cycle, other suggested drivers have clear differences in their solar cycle evolution.
    For example,

    geomagnetic activity and magnetospheric particle fluxes peak in the declining phase of the sunspot cycle, in difference to TSI and UV radiation which more closely follow sunspots.

    Using 13 solar cycles (1869–2009) we study winter surface temperatures and North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) during four different phases of the sunspot cycle: minimum, ascending, maximum and declining phase.
    We find significant differences in the temperature patterns between the four cycle phases, which indicates a solar cycle modulation of winter surface temperatures.
    However, the clearest pattern of the temperature anomalies is not found during sunspot maximum or minimum, but during the declining phase, when the temperature pattern closely resembles the pattern found during positive NAO. Moreover, we find the same pattern during the low sunspot activity cycles of 100 years ago, suggesting that the pattern is largely independent of the overall level of solar activity.”


  20. Thanks to ‘Old brew’ for this info
    Elements of a

    166 year cycle


    Timo Niroma: ’14 Jovian years is 166.07 calendar years. Are 1645, 1810 and 1976 synchpoint years having between them 15 sunspot cycles equalling 14 Jovian years and beginning a new phase in the Sun?’


    (see 1.1.3)

    13 J-N and 12 J-U are both around 166y.
    Neptune orbit is 1 year less, 2 Uranus is 2 years more.
    JEV fits too, as does JNE.

    K2pblog also refers to an ‘unnamed 166 year cycle’ but says nothing about it.

    Solar cycles and the Landscheidt minimum

    Here there’s a Landscheidt graph of a 166-year cycle:


    ‘The recent Gleissberg cycle maximum around 1984 is the first in a long sequence of maxima connected with zero phases in the 166-year cycle, four of which are marked by empty circles in the diagram from Landscheidt’s paper.’

    Landscheidt’s own paper – see part 7:
    ‘166-year cycle in variations of the rotary force driving the sun’s orbital motion’


    ‘The presented results indicate that the Gleissberg cycle is a bistable oscillator capable of assuming either of two states. The transition between these states seems to be triggered by special phases in the 166-year cycle which induce phase reversals.’

  21. Chandler wobble

    observations by ‘oldbrew’

    Ian Wilson: Evidence that strong El Nino events are triggered by the Moon

    “These planetary synodics give a framework for the Chandler Wobble.

    61 Jupiter-Venus = 100 Venus-Mercury = 161 Jupiter-Mercury = 39.58 years
    3 Venus-Mercury = 433.6986 days = 1 Chandler Wobble (CW)
    100 CW = 183 Jupiter-Venus = 300 Venus-Mercury = 483 Jupiter-Mercury = 118.74 years

    Furuya & Chao paper confirms CW as 433.7 +/- 1.8 days.


    Abstract: ‘The procedures lead to optimal estimates for P and Q. Our best estimates, judging from comprehensive sets of Monte Carlo simulations, are P=433.7 ± 1.8 (1σ) days, Q=49 with a lσ range of (35, 100).’”

  22. Another Landcheidt paper
    Apr 20, 1990 – Landscheidt, T. (1981):

    Swinging Sun, 79-Year Cycle, and Climatic Change, … Earth’s connections with other cosmic bodies in the solar system environment. … SUN-EARTH-MAN: A MESH OFCOSMIC OSCILLATIONS.

    Click to access Sun-Earth-Men_116_p_1989.pdf

    Landscheidt ..a sample from page 44 first.. glimpse produces treasure

    Click to access Sun-Earth-Men_116_p_1989.pdf

    “The first process involved are impulses of the torque (IOT) in the Sun’s
    motion about the centre of mass of the solar system (CM) that were mentioned
    They are induced by special heliocentric consteIIations of the giant
    planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,.and Neptune.
    Figure 18 shows the ecIiptic
    positions of CM relative to the Sun’s centre for 1945 to 1995.
    The heliocentric
    representation and the line marking the limb of the Sun make it easy to see
    whether CM is to be found above or below the Sun’s surface; most of the time
    it is on the outside of the Sun’s body.

    The distance of both centres varies from
    0.01 to 2.19 solar radii.
    It takes 9 to 14 years to complete one revolution


    Hmmm. .. Range of schwabe solar cycle length is 9-14 yrs.. So we measure solar cycle length by the arc of the curve/ diameter of ellipse drawn by barycentre pattern?

    What is the math to find the circumference of the ellipse?


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